The body is an ally in the eating
disorders therapy

Working with the body – with the nervous system of tissues,
I regulate the emotional system to avoid behaviors that
bring suffering in relation to food.

A new chapter in the treatment of eating disorders

Proponuję program terapii dla osób-Ciebie, dla których relacja z jedzeniem jest przyczyną cierpienia i rozregulowuje Twoje zdrowie i życie. Pracując w nowatorskim podejściu poprzez ciało, łącząc rozmowę z dotykiem, uczę jak nawiązać zdrową relację z jedzeniem i ciałem, wysłuchać i zrozumieć swoje głębokie potrzeby, podejść z szacunkiem i zaopiekować sobą tak, jak podpowiada Twoja intuicja. W zaburzeniach odżywiania kontrola odgrywa dużą rolę, masz szansę nauczyć się innej strategii na radzenie sobie z konfliktami emocjonalnymi – w oparciu o docenienie swojego ciała i uwolnienie od napięcia, które ono powoduje

What is recovery from emotional illnesses?

The recovery process for psychosomatic disorders – which are based on emotional conflicts – consists in stopping negative behaviors by regulating the emotional reactions that are the cause of the disease. In this process, body-oriented therapies (and psychotherapies) are a new chance, taking advantage of the fact that our emotions 'take place’ in the body and thus through the body we can modulate them faster and more effectively. At the moment of emotional regulation (e.g. during a conversation), the regulation of the nervous system is simultaneously switched on by the right touch (or other body experience), which releases the tension generated by experiencing and feeling emotions.

For whom?

These disorders are becoming more and more common – textbook anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating do not occur in their pure form, they stick together with dysfunctions related to lifestyle, the reward system or the role of social media in perpetuating the image. They often coexist with sleep disorders, diabetes, depression and many other diseases, creating very individual cases for which an integrated approach is needed, taking into account the body in therapy, which is an important complement to pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy based on conversation.

How do I support the therapeutic process?

⟶ I conduct individual (and group) therapy combining experiential psychology approaches with work with touch, breath, visualization, dialogue.

⟶ I propose a holistic approach, adapted to the person, their openness and commitment to therapy.

⟶ I use movement (even a minimal feeling of trembling in the body), relaxation, meditation, which give lasting effects, stabilizing not only weight, but above all emotions, which play a key role in eating disorders.

⟶ I teach mindfulness to the sensations in the body and the emotions and thoughts associated with it.

⟶ Together, we are looking for a way to express suppressed emotions that is safe and non-traumatizing and strengthens adaptive behavior.

⟶ What we do during sessions is used to acquire self-acceptance competences and learn about our own advantages, which strengthens the sense of value and corrects the image of your own body.

⟶ I work with teenagers and adults.

The treatment model I offer is based on the development of basic competences that are to help in achieving a state of self-acceptance:

⟶ practice of intuitive self-care
⟶ ability to recognize emotions and their influence on thoughts
⟶ regaining agency and self-confidence (contact with inner power)
⟶ getting to know your own strengths
⟶ body positivity and body neutrality
⟶ emotional expressiveness and a safe way of expressing
⟶ creativity in developing new strategies for dealing with emotions

Working with the body develops the ability to learn oneself through the feelings and needs communicated by the body. It is a constant training that will bring benefits not only to improving health and reducing the dysfunctional effects of the disease, but it is a valuable ability to be with oneself in life and cope with what life brings.

My program affects:

⟶ understanding and appreciating one’s own body
⟶ building a healthy body image
⟶ enhancing self-esteem
⟶ reducing the sense of anxiety and stress (including fear of eating and gaining weight)
⟶ the ability to recognize and express emotions
⟶ understanding the reward system
⟶ getting out of the feeling of helplessness
⟶ improving psychosocial functioning

What does the therapy look like?

Weekly meetings for 1-2 months, then we determine together with the client (and the guardian in the case of young people) what frequency of meetings is needed to verify progress, support the process of recovering from the disease and maintain mindfulness of the body.
Duration of the session 1-1.5 hours depending on the type of work. Some sessions will be able to be conducted on-line (e.g. in the event of an intervention). I cooperate with the leading psychotherapist, if there is a need and consent of the client. The cost of a therapy session is fixed, it does not depend on the type of work you choose.
Working with me can be treated as an independent therapy that reduces symptoms, as well as complementary to pharmacological therapy and psychotherapy conducted by talking.

I cooperate

as a therapist with the ’Otulenie’ Eating Disorders Treatment Center in Warsaw.
I have many years of experience in therapeutic work with the body, I understand it and help in navigating the areas of its signals and needs. I use the methods and techniques of Somatic Touch Therapy, MA-URI® Bodywork, Circling™ and process oriented psychology, which treat the body with respect and see its potential in restoring balance.

Eating Disorder Therapy Session
60 min
PRICE – 200 zł